The Centaur races are humanoids with the upper body of a Human and the lower body of an animal (where the neck/head of the animal would be, is the human torso). The following applies to all of the Centaur subspecies:
They can either have the ears of the animal or Human ears; which trait they have is purely dependent upon genetics – the animal ears trait is recessive. If a Centaur has animal ears, the ears will not be on top of the head, but will be where Human ears normally are.
They have a maximum lifespan of 300 years.
Their names depend on the type of the animal (a Clydesdale Cenchi will have a Scottish name, a Tiger Karchi will have a Hindu or African name, and etc.).
Whether or not they wear clothes (or shawl/blanket coverings) on their animal half is dependent upon whether or not they are from tribal society (those from tribal societies will view covering their lower half as pointless and restricting, while those from civilized society will see it as obscene to not cover their lower halves). This doesn’t apply to Ragnochi, though, as since there is nothing inappropriate that is capable of being seen, and thus they only wear clothes on their lower half for accessories or fashion.
They find it extremely offensive for someone to ask to ride on their backs, but the reason varies depending on the subrace: Cenchi find it to be a sign of slavery, Karchi find it to be a violation of their pride and freedom, Jerchi will think that it is a stab at their smaller size (since their lower halves are usually too small to carry anyone), Urchi only let those that they have sworn their love or loyalty to ride on their backs (and thus will think you are overstepping your boundaries), Ragnochi find it to be demeaning and inappropriate, and Pulichi only let those they trust ride on their backs (and thus will think you are being too forward and disregarding their need for trust).
Centaurs do not require more food despite their extra size, instead they are built to absorb mana kaha. This would normally be impossible for any living creature, but Centaurs are different! Centaurs are born with an innate ability to transform mana kaha into mana ora the moment it enters their bodies. They must still eat regular food to partially sustain them, but they also require the mana kaha they absorb from either the food they eat or the crystals they absorb mana from by touching them.
Centaur is a ‘slang word’ that gained popularity roughly 50 years ago, and that is used to refer to Cenchi and all of the races that evolved from them.
Physical Attributes
The official name for the original Horse-taur is Cenchi. Cenchi are half Human, half horse. Any type of horse is possible, but magical creature-type horses are only usable if bought in the store!
Cenchi have the same upper body skin possibilities as Humans, and the same lower body fur/skin possibilities as horses.
Cenchi have the same eye color possibilities as Humans.
Cenchi have the same hair possibilities as Humans and horses.
Cenchi have an average height of 6’0” - 8’0”, but this can vary depending on the type of horse.
The origins of Cenchi are not entirely clear, and unfortunately due to this, many people assume their existence to be the result of bestiality. This of course is neither true nor physically possible, but that does not stop the ones more critical of them from believing this horrible rumor. But, within the culture of the Centaur subspecies, Cenchi are viewed as the ‘original centaurs’ (as they are believed to have been created by the God of Animalistic Humanoids, Faunus, to show off to the other Gods what he believed a perfect race should look like), and thus are surrounded in an air of nobility. Due to this, other centaur subspecies are expected to ‘pay tribute’ to the Cenchi by crossing their right arm over their chest and bowing whenever they see a Cenchi; even if it is in passing. But, despite this noble treatment, Cenchi are surprisingly humble and kind beings. In fact, outside of those that ridicule their existence, they are regarded as one of the nicest races in all of Annwn.
Originally, Cenchi were a strictly nomadic people; but as time went on, many of the Cenchi found settling down among permanent civilization to be a better option. Currently, there is a divide between the Cenchi that remained nomadic and the Cenchi that settled down. This feud exists because the city Cenchi view the nomadic Cenchi as savages, and the nomadic Cenchi view the city Cenchi as lazy slouches. The feud has existed for centuries, and no matter how many people or even entire civilizations try to get involved, it still ceaselessly continues.
Tribal Cenchi tend to worship either the Goddess of the Moon and of the Hunt, who they know as Artemis, or the God of Animalistic Humanoids, who they know as Thirio. City Cenchi, on the other hand, tend to worship the Gods that are most prominent in the society in which they live.
Tribal Cenchi have an average family unit of 5 people, while city Cenchi have an average family unit of 3 people.
Tribal Cenchi and City Cenchi share no holidays except for one. This holiday is called “The First Gallop”. On this holiday, which takes place during the first week of June, the young adult Cenchi who have turned 17 the previous year, will leave home. Before this happens, though, a large feast is held (for tribal Cenchi the feast is for the entire tribe, while for the city Cenchi, the feast is for close relatives and friends). After the feast, everyone will go to bed except the young adult Cenchi who will leave in the dead of night, without saying a word of goodbye. They refrain from saying goodbye as a way of showing that they intend to return, so there is no reason to say goodbye. The young adult Cenchi that leave will then stay away from home for a period of 3 months, during which they will try to discover themselves. For some, this is a chance to connect with nature, while for others it is a time to go on great adventures. But, no matter what they decide to do, the Cenchi will return 3 months later to either go back to living with their families, or to say goodbye and continue on their journeys.
Cenchi are not innately magical.
Preferred Fighting Style
Cenchi have a preferred fighting style that depends upon the individual
Cenchi are generally stubborn in their ideals; often to a fault.
Physical Attributes
The official name for a Cat-taur is Karchi. Karchi are half Human, half (large) cat.
Karchi have the same upper body skin possibilities as Humans, and the same lower body fur/skin possibilities as (large) cats.
Karchi have cat-like pupils and can have any eye color.
Karchi have the same hair color possibilities as Humans.
The lower body of a Karchi is limited to large cats such as lions, tigers, leopards, panthers, and etc.
Karchi have an average height of 6’0” – 7’0” but it varies depending on the type of (large) cat. But, Karchi tend to have larger cat bodies than the cats themselves have.
As with almost all other Centaur subspecies the Karchi have a past shrouded in mystery, as there is no proof as to how they may have evolved. But, rumors speculate that they are the product of breeding between Feline-like Tsusei and Cenchi.
Karchi are a predominantly tribal subspecies, though a few have been known to live in cities. Unlike the Cenchi, Karchi do not have any divides when it comes to the relationship between the city Karchi and the tribal Karchi, but this may be because of the surprisingly small number of Karchi that even choose to live inside the cities. The tribal Karchi, which make up the vast majority or Karchi, live all over Annwn, from the deserts of Anfauglir Ardhon to the snow mountains of Hielon. No matter where they live, though, they live as hunters and gatherers, taking only what they need from the land.
Karchi do not have many religious values, and it is rare for a Karchi to believe in the Gods.
Karchi have an average family unit of 4 people.
Karchi have two main traditions. The first is known as “Pride Marking”. This tradition entails magically carving permanent designs into a claw of a Karchi, and it only occurs when the Karchi has done something undeniable heroic. If the Karchi is truly heroic, and their deeds exceed the number of claws hey have, further designs will then be carved into the skin of their upper bodies; every separate design representing a separate heroic deed. There is only one Karchi that has exceeded even the space on his skin, and he is a legend that all Karchi strive towards. The second is a holiday called “The First Hunt”, which takes place on the first day of Winter, where the Karchi who have turned 6 in the previous year, will be sent out into the wild to hunt for the first time. This is not only to test the skills of the young Karchi, but also to act as a qualifier for those that wish to become warriors of the tribe. The young Karchi are not required to participate, but it is a social norm to do so. Those that succeed in the hunt, will bring back their prey, and prepare it for the ceremony later that night. Those that do not succeed are not punished, but are forbidden from becoming a warrior of the tribe. At the ceremony, those that succeeded will bring their prepared prey that they have drained of blood (carrying the blood with them in a large basin), skinned (and magically tanned), and cooked the flesh of. The pelts, they will wear proudly around their necks, and the flesh will be eaten at the end of the ceremony in a large feast. The blood, however, has a much more important purpose. During the ceremony, the young Karchi will lay sprawled out in the town center as the chief of the tribe walks among them. The chief will look at the blood each Karchi has brought, and the Karchi whose blood shines in the light of the torches will be chosen as warriors. Typically, only 1/5 of Karchi that succeed in the hunt are chosen. If they are chosen, the chief will dip a large paw into the Karchi’s blood basin, and after reciting an incantation, will press the blood soaked paw onto the fur of the young Karchi. This process burns harshly, as the magic the chief uses permanently burns the fur of the area a dark red. This is the mark of the warrior, and due to the powerful magic used, this mark will never fade, as the fur in that area will always grow back to be a dark red. The mark doesn't need to be placed in a particular area, but the side of the stomach is the most common.
Karchi have innate telekinetic and telepathic abilities.
Preferred Fighting Style
Karchi tend to fight from a safe distance; using their magic to do the melee fighting with weapons.
Karchi are weak to individuals with The Returning, and to piercing damage.
Physical Attributes
The official name for a Deer-taur is Jerchi. Jerchi are half Human, half deer.
Jerchi have the same upper body skin possibilities as Humans, and the same lower body skin/fur possibilities as deer.
Jerchi have the same eye color possibilities as Humans.
Jerchi have the same hair color possibilities as Humans.
Male Jerchi have antlers.
Jerchi have an average height of 5’0” – 6’0”.
As with almost all other Centaur subspecies the Jerchi have a past shrouded in mystery, as there is no proof as to how they may have evolved. But, rumors speculate that they are the product of breeding between Deer-like Tsusei and Cenchi.
Jerchi have a deep connection with nature, and while some do choose to live in cities, most prefer to stay surrounded by nature. But, that is not to say that they are tribal. Instead, they usually live in either small forest villages or small farming villages. They are known for their aptitude at making potions and their cunning in trade. In fact, the most desirable potion makers are Jerchi, while the most feared salesmen are also Jerchi. Their skill at making potions stems from their innate nature magic, as they are able to determine and pick the best ingredients. As for their surprising skill in trading, many people are continuously shocked as they are conned out of materials and money for unfairly small trades. This skill was likely developed throughout generations as they realized they could use their gentle, innocent appearance to their advantage. But, outside of the realm of trade, they are actually a very kind people that go out of their way to help those when they can.
Jerchi tend to worship the Goddess of Potions called Juoma; a God that is unique to their culture.
Jerchi have an average family unit of 10 people, as grandparents, parents, and children all live under one roof.
Jerchi have two main traditions. The first is a holiday called “Blooming Breath Day”. On this day, which takes place on the first day in spring, a large festival is held to celebrate the return of Spring and thus the resurgence of many necessary potion ingredients. The holiday gets its name because during this day the Jerchi will help “breathe life back into” the plants around them using their nature magic. The second tradition is actually a punishment for those that forsake the Jerchi nature, and turn to life draining magic that sucks the life out of plants, animals, and people in order to give the Jerchi more power. Those that commit this horrible deed will be at the mercy of the tradition known as “The Curse of the Forsaken” where the Jerchi that has done wrong will have their antlers cut and magically scarred to prevent them from growing back (this applies to male Jerchi only), their eyes precisely cut in order to permanently blind them, and their bodies magically burned so that they will be unable to ever use magic again (their bodies are burned in such a way that mana is incapable of leaving or entering the body).
Jerchi have innate nature magic abilities and potion making skills.
Preferred Fighting Style
Jerchi typically prefer to fight from a distance, using either magic or bows and arrows.
Jerchi are incredibly agile, but if they are hit/caught they will take more damage than other races (regardless of the type of damage).
Physical Attributes
The official name for a Bear-taur is Urchi. Urchi are half Human, half bear.
Urchi have the same upper body skin possibilities as Humans, and the same lower body skin/fur possibilities as bears.
Urchi can have any eye color, though brown and gold are the most common.
Urchi have the same hair color possibilities as Humans.
Urchi can have a maximum height of 9’4”. Their height is dependent upon the type and size of bear, and the most common type (black bear) has their average height around 5’6”.
It is possible for Urchi to have bear halves that are a maximum of 1.7 times larger than the actual type of bear, but this trait is fairly uncommon.
As with almost all other Centaur subspecies the Urchi have a past shrouded in mystery, as there is no proof as to how they may have evolved. But, rumors speculate that they are the product of breeding between Bear-like Tsusei and Cenchi.
Urchi are the least common of the Centaur subspecies, because thousands of years ago, a warrior Urchi named Kane (short for Kanerklick), struck down the family of a powerful evil Mage out of spite for the Mage decreasing the area’s wildlife population. In retaliation, the Mage created a cursed bird known as Yanchibashi. This bird stood taller than a dragon and was made of pure darkness. This bird was practically immortal, and for centuries, it devoured much of the Urchi population. Eventually, though, about 500 years ago, a descendant of Kane named Val (short for Valnickramwa) killed the beast with a sword made from the femur of the evil Mage whose remains were excavated in order to create the sword to kill the beast (who could only be killed by the Mage; or in this case a part of the Mage). Currently, Urchi have begun to replenish their numbers, but they are still relatively low in population.
Urchi are nomadic and fairly solitary beings, and usually live out in the wilderness either alone or with immediate family. They are renowned hunters and warriors, and while they are a rare sight to see outside of the wilderness, anyone would be immensely lucky to have them on their side in a battle. The Urchi usually make their living by selling pelts and meats and by acting as guides through the rough wilderness areas they typically call home.
Since Urchi are so solitary and spread out, there is no one religion that a majority of them follow.
Urchi have an average family unit of 2 people.
Urchi have two main traditions. The first is to wear the crest of their family on their person at all times. Due to the low numbers of Urchi, the fact that they are nomadic, and the fact that they are solitary beings, Urchi have a difficult time meeting mates. So, in an effort to prevent inbreeding, Urchi will wear their family crest openly so that in the event that they ever meet a suitable mate, they know that they are not related. The other tradition is that when an Urchi turns 16 they will leave their family to make their own life for themselves and hopefully find a mate to prevent the subspecies from dying. (It should be noted that it is possible for Urchi to breed with other races, but Urchi genes are recessive so the likelihood of the offspring being an Urchi, instead of the race of the other parent, is very unlikely.)
Their first language is one called Beast (the main language Urchi tend to communicate in). (Urchi do know common, but Beast is the language that they learn first as babies. Most Urchi speak common perfectly, but some do have a gruff accent from their years only speaking beast)
Urchi are not innately magical, but they can talk to animals through a weak psychic magic.
Preferred Fighting Style
Urchi are heavy hitters and are typically melee fighters.
Urchi can go into rages when someone or something they care deeply about is threatened, during these rages they are incapable of rational decision making.
Urchi are different in naming conventions compared to other centaurs, as their names are typically not based on where they live. Names will typically be very guttural or thick sounding as they are typically a mix between Common and Beast. (no examples, just be creative)
Physical Attributes
The official name for a Spider-taur is Ragnochi. Ragnochi are half Human, half (gigantic) spider.
Ragnochi can have any upper body skin color, and have the same lower body skin/fur possibilities as spiders.
Ragnochi can have any eye color, and the whites of their eyes are black. Ragnochi can also have anywhere from 2 – 50 eyes.
Ragnochi can have any hair color.
Ragnochi have an average height of 7’2” – 8’5”.
Ragnochi are the only of the centaur subspecies that actually have a known origin. The story, as recorded by Ragnochi historians, goes as follows; Roughly 2,000 years ago, there was a mighty group of Cenchi that were renowned across all of Annwn for the superb treasures they would recover for those that hired them. One day, the group of Cenchi were hired by a collector who offered to pay them 10x their normal rate in exchange for retrieving the Scepter of Silnarsus. The group happily accepted the job, but after many days of battling to reach the scepter, when they finally arrived and placed their hands upon it, a horrible curse was released. Unbeknownst to the Cenchi, the Scepter of Silnarsus had been locked away, not to protect it from others; but rather to protect others from it. The scepter released a devilish curse which transformed the Cenchi into hideous beings, trading their noble horse bodies for that of spiders’. The curse was impossible to undo, so the new race known as Ragnochi were forced to accept their fate, and retreated into the dark caves of Terpes.
Ragnochi also have the worst reputation of all of the Centaur subspecies, as long ago a rumor was spread that Ragnochi eat other humanoids as their main food source. This of course made people wary of them, but the fact of the matter is that it simply isn’t true. In actuality, Ragnochi’s main food source is insects, in fact most Ragnochi cities have large insect farms. But, people usually refuse to believe this fact, and will stay as far away from Ragnochi as possible, often believing them to be people-eating monsters. But, despite the rumors, Ragnochi maintain their gentle nature while staying secluded usually within the walls of Iktomi, the most well-known Ragnochi city.
Most Ragnochi are atheists, as they feel that if Gods existed, that the Gods would’ve lifted their curse long ago.
Ragnochi have an average family unit that fluctuates greatly. This is because Ragnochi lay roughly 40 – 80 eggs in their lifetime, but it is very rare for children to live beyond the age of 10.
Due to many of their children typically dying, Ragnochi have a tradition to show no affection to their young until they reach age 11. This is mainly to prevent the parents from getting overly attached, and thus stricken with grief every time a child dies. Other than this, Ragnochi traditions usually coincide with staying safe and away from other races that may want to kill them simply because of their appearance.
Ragnochi have the ability to produce web like a spider’s, but their web is much thicker and stronger (typically a 3in circumference, but it is made up of thousands of smaller strings that with some work can be separated). Typically, this web is used for building, not for capturing prey like some may think.
Ragnochi also have innate poison curse abilities, and about 40% of Ragnochi have a venomous bite, and those that do, have fangs (Ragnochi without venom do not have fangs!).
Ragnochi are incapable of being affected by any poisons.
Preferred Fighting Style
Ragnochi fighting styles vary depending upon the individual, but generally Ragnochi are a peaceful race.
Ragnochi are weak to bludgeoning damage.
Physical Attributes
The official name for Wolf-taur is Pulichi. Pulichi are half Human, half (large) wolf (the wolf half being about 1.5x its normal size).
Pulichi have the same upper body skin possibilities as Humans, but can have any lower body fur color.
Pulichi have the same eye color possibilities as Humans.
Pulichi can have any hair color, and their hair tends to be thicker than Human hair.
Pulichi have an average height of 6’5” – 7’9”.
As with almost all other Centaur subspecies the Pulichi have a past shrouded in mystery, as there is no proof as to how they may have evolved. But, rumors speculate that they are the product of breeding between Wolf-like Tsusei and Cenchi.
Pulichi live in both tribal and city communities, but in both areas they live remarkably similarly. Pulichi, no matter where they live, are extremely family oriented, territorial, and caring. In regards to being family oriented, it is extremely rare to see a solitary Pulichi out in public as they usually stick together in groups of three or four. As for being territorial, guests are not allowed over at a Pulichi residence unless they have completely earned their trust; any attempts at entering a Pulichi’s residence without being invited will end in death. But despite this, Pulichi are extremely caring and loyal, and will go far past normal expectations to help people; even those they have just met.
Pulichi worship the Moon Goddess who they know as Napir.
Pulichi have an average family unit of 20 as they can have up to 14 children per birth, and they can give birth 5 times in their lifetime.
Pulichi have 14 main traditions. The first is that the head of the household is always respected, no matter what. They take this tradition so seriously that a Pulichi would not consider it preposterous to kill themselves simply because the head of the household asked them to. The second is a tradition of selection of priests and priestesses of the Moon Goddess. They choose the priests and priestesses when they are born, as one in every 500,000 Pulichi are born with blue fur. This phenomenon is called “Mother Moon’s Blessing”, and is considered the mark of a priest/priestess. The other 12 traditions are monthly holidays that are centered around the worship of the moon.
Pulichi have innate water magic abilities.
Preferred Fighting Style
Pulichi fighting style depends upon the individual.
Pulichi are weak to attacks that involve amplified smell and noise.