Orcs are Fae beings that are known for their bravery and brutality.
Lowland Orc

Physical Attributes
Lowland Orcs are more savage than Highland Orcs, and never evolved away from their rough features.
Lowland Orcs can have green or grey skin. Orcs have incredibly thick skin, thicker than any other race’s; making it extremely difficult to harm them with sharp or pointed weapons.
All Fae races have silver colored blood (similar in color and texture to mercury).
All Fae races have pointed ears. Lowland Orcs have large, long, thick pointed ears that point up.
Lowland Orcs can have any eye color, but green is the most common.
Lowland Orcs have very thick hair that can be black, brown, or ginger, but black is the most common.
Lowland Orcs are very rough and large, and typically are very muscular even with a lack of trying to be. They also have large, thick tusks that grow from their lower jaw where their canines would normally be. These tusks will naturally grow up to the nose and stop their growth there, but due to some Lowland Orcs’ practice of training the tusks outwards, it allows them to grow much larger. In these cases, the tusks can grow up to 2 feet straight out or up depending on how the teeth are positioned. Typically, this is only done to male Lowland Orcs.
Lowland Orcs also have claw-like fingernails.
Lowland Orcs have an average height of 7’0” – 8’0”
Lowland Orcs have a maximum lifespan of 150 years.
Orcs are often seen as the ‘black spot’ on the ‘beautiful lineage’ that most consider Fae ancestry to be. Lowland Orcs, especially, fuel others’ desire to ridicule Orcs, as Lowland Orcs are extremely tribal, and are often considered savage by other Fae. They typically live in large tribes or villages where they survive through hunting and gathering. Some tribes participate in raiding, plundering, and enslaving other races or weaker Orcs as well, but this varies depending on the values of the tribe or tribe leader. They are usually thought to be completely illiterate, but this is simply not true. They use a simple written language in Orcish, and those that know Common are usually taught to use that writing system as well. Their language is thought to be one of the easiest in the world to learn, which allows them to easily assimilate other races (or outsider Orcs with different dialects) into their tribes, whether as slaves, guests, or new tribe members. Of course, those that ridicule Orcs say that this means that their language is fit for the Orc's low level of intelligence. This again is not true, as Orcs have the same level of intelligence as any other race on Annwn.
Most Lowland Orcs treat the leader of their village/tribe as a God incarnate.
Lowland Orcs have an average family unit of 4 people.
Lowland Orcs have many traditions. The first is that all arguments/crimes/etc are to be settled by a battle, and depending on the severity of the argument/crime/etc it may be a battle to the death. The second is that the leaders of tribes/villages are to be treated like a God, even if it is a leader from a different Lowland Orc tribe/village. The third is that when a baby is born, (assuming they are in a slave-based tribe) the parents must bring it to the leader of the tribe/village. The leader will examine the baby, and determine if it is strong enough to stay with its parents or if it will be sent to the local slaver to become a slave. The fourth is that young Lowland Orc males will have golden rings placed on their tusks (after they have their permanent teeth and thus tusks) to slowly pull the tusks outwards so that they can grow long. Lowland Orc males will often decorate their tusks with chains, trophies, ink, or even carvings. The fifth is that those that disobey the word of the leader will be tortured and executed publicly as punishment. In fact, most methods of torture were developed by Lowland Orcs. The last tradition is that Lowland Orcs will sometimes collect and wear trophies from their defeated enemies; for some this means clothing or items, while for others it means noses, scalps, toes, fingers, or bones.
It is incredibly rare for Lowland Orcs to be magical, in fact only 2% of Lowland Orcs are.
Lowland Orcs are incredibly, terrifyingly strong.
Preferred Fighting Style
Lowland Orcs prefer melee fighting, typically with their bare hands.
Lowland Orcs are strong, but are not agile nor dexterous and will be at a greater disadvantage against those that are especially fast.
Lowland Orcs have Orcish names; references to use: http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/orc_names.php https://jtevans.kilnar.com/rpg/dnd/tools/twopartnames.php?input=orc
Highland Orc

Physical Attributes
Highland Orcs are slimmer, smaller, and generally more city-oriented than Lowland Orcs.
Highland Orcs can have green, grey, blue, yellow, white, brown, or orange skin. Orcs have incredibly thick skin, thicker than any other race’s; making it extremely difficult to harm them with sharp or pointed weapons.
All Fae races have silver colored blood (similar in color and texture to mercury).
All Fae races have pointed ears. Highland Orcs have large, long, thick pointed ears that point down.
Highland Orcs can have any eye color, but green is the most common.
Highland Orcs have thin, typically straight hair that can be black, brown, or red (both actual red or ginger), but Highland Orcs typically shave their heads.
Highland Orcs are very slim and are closer to Human size than Lowland Orcs. They also have small, thin tusks that grow from their lower jaw where their canines would normally be. These tusks are much smaller then Lowland Orc tusks, and only reach slightly above the upper lip.
Highland Orcs have an average height of 6’0” – 7’0”
Highland Orcs have a maximum lifespan of 250 years.
Highland Orcs evolved away from Lowland Orcs many thousands of years ago as they turned towards more agricultural, architectural, and educational pursuits. Highland Orcs are not very well known, and many people of Annwn associate the word ‘Orc’ with only Lowland Orcs as they do not know of the Highland Orcs’ existence. This is most likely because Highland Orcs are typically very reclusive, and it is rare for any of them to leave their towns. Those that do know of Highland Orcs associate them with their advances in several fields of study, especially those in magic. It is said that the most powerful mages in all of Annwn are (or were taught by) Highland Orcs.
Highland Orc towns are an incredible sight to witness, as magic runs and maintains most of the town, including agriculture, plumbing, cleaning, and etc. This automation allows the Highland Orcs to focus on studying, writing, and experimenting.
Highland Orcs tend to favor the pursuit of knowledge and facts over the “ridiculous idea of Gods”, so most of them are atheists.
Highland Orcs have an average family size of 3 people.
Highland Orc traditions are mostly dependent upon the individual family, but there is one tradition that applies to the entire town. This tradition involves the town library. The libraries are usually very large buildings or towers full to the brim with books, and are treated as the town’s most prized possessions. The tradition is that the town library must always be occupied by at least two Highland Orcs at any given time. If one of the librarians on duty leaves without someone replacing them, if one of the librarians does not report to their position without getting someone to replace them, or if a librarian does anything to disgrace their position or the library, they are publicly executed.
Highland Orcs have very powerful innate magical abilities, the nature of which depends on the individual.
Preferred Fighting Style
Highland Orcs’ fighting style depends upon the individual.
Highland Orcs do not have the same bodily strength as Lowland Orcs, and as such they are weak to bludgeoning damage.
Highland Orcs have Orcish names; references to use: http://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/orc_names.php https://jtevans.kilnar.com/rpg/dnd/tools/twopartnames.php?input=orc