Astaroth Yellowfield

The Blood Paladin

General Information
Full Name: Astaroth Yellowfield.
Title (s): None
Nickname/Aliases: -
Important Information
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Disabilities: None
Jewelry/Accessories: None
Pets/Companions: None
Physical Attributes
Stocky, Muscled, the guy’s ripped
2. 57m
Very heavy
A low, raspy voice, he has a soft hissing when pronouncing the s but it’s not exaggerated
Black Scales
Distinguishing Features
Spiked features like his maw
General Appearance
Astaroth is a black-scaled behemoth of a Wynorm. Standing about 2.57 meters tall, he has a very muscled build, broad shoulders, wingless. He has golden eyes and a very imposing figure, accented by the spikes in his face. He has dark ash colored horns and white teeth. He has a big and beefy tail, which is versatile enough to wrap around things.
Dress Code
Astaroth dresses in simple, dark clothes. He wears a chainmail with short sleeves and his arms are oddly exposed for an otherwise warrior-like build and look. he wears a pair of specially made boots for his feet, and he doesn’t wear much jewelry aside from a single, faded silver ring on his ring finger.
Not the most Hygienic individual, but keeps himself clean enough to not be disgusting.

Forsaken Magic
Astaroth was born with the gift of forsaken magic in its most powerful state, able to, if trained, cast very powerful spells
Physical Behemoth
Through magical enhancements and a lot of training, Astaroth is a beast to deal with in the physical side, let not his gift lie to you, he’s not a common mage.
Calm and Collected
Astaroth is able to stay calm in very tense situations with relative ease.
When you live a lot and live for fighting evil, you pick up a sense of danger and understanding of people and your surroundings
Weak to Light Magic
Like all Wynorms, Astaroth is weak to magic.
Astaroth, unlike his brethren, lacks of natural wings.
It’s hard for Astaroth to open up and trust people again
Lack of Agility
Astaroth is not very agile, he’s able to do things like turn around, but his fighting style is more heavy and standing ground rather than twirling around
Astaroth speaks his mind, which sometimes ends up hitting rather hard
Being the son of farmers, Astaroth hasn’t received much education, he knows how to read, but he’s ignorant in a lot of topics, this, however, doesn’t mean he’s dumb.