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            The Wretched are any primary race that has been the subject of a curse resulting in a change or deformity to their bodies. THIS RACE CAN'T BE USED BY NORMAL PLAYERS AND ACCESS TO IT MUST BE BOUGHT.




           The Wretched are the rare result of a being or beings being cursed with a bodily disfiguring spell that is so powerful it is incapable of being undone. The Ragnochi are a prime example of Wretched who managed to multiply to such great extents that they are now a primary race. This achievement is so rare though that it is almost unheard of, and all other Wretched will be anywhere from to singular creatures to small communities depending on how many were originally cursed. As for genetics, curse genetics are particularly weak, so unless a Wretched breeds with another Wretched of the same type, they will not produce another Wretched Through generations of breeding within the same wretched subrace, the genetics will become stronger until they are akin to a primary race (You cannot make a primary race, only up to small communities will be permitted). 


This race is your chance to effectively make your own race! When buying access to this race, you may suggest as much or little lore as you'd like, but in the end, what lore actually gets created is up to DoctorBlanket (website/server owner). I will work with you as much as I can to ensure the race is balanced, fun, and has quality lore! You will also have a hand in picking what spells the race has on the minecraft server(though again final decision is up to doctorblanket). Entries of types of Wretched will be added as people buy the race!




Physical Attributes



            Umbraborne are a half-breed race that is a mix of Wynorms and Dark Elves, but that were cursed to have an even further altered appearance and an extreme sensitivity to light.



            Umbraborne have primarily Dark Elf complexions, but can have Wynorm skin color possibilities as well though it is much more rare. 



           Umbraborne can have any eye color, but have black sclera. Their irises glow slightly.



           Umbraborne hair is dark, shadowy, and flows like water in the air. It can be black, dark purple, or dark blue.



           Umbraborne have mostly Dark Elf features, but can have Wynorm features such as Wynorm scales scattered along their body, Wynorm claws or horns, or Wynorm wings. They will have shadowy crystals growing from their bodies, typically in clusters, due to their curse. They will also have an extreme sensitivity to sunlight, causing their skin to burn and bubble when in direct sunlight. 



           They are immortal in that they stop aging after they reach maturity at 200 years old. This is due to their curse.




           A group of Dark Elves and a group of Wynorms sought to create a more perfect race by breeding with each other. They wanted to create a race that had the strength of a Wynorm but the dexterity of a Dark Elf. But in the process, they angered two incredibly powerful beings. One was the Goddess of the Fae, Kaelia, who was angered by the idea of someone using her beautiful creatures’ bloodlines to create an abomination that they claimed would somehow be better than her races that she had already created?! “Preposterous!” She was furious, but couldn’t levy a punishment herself as it was forbidden by Shai, the God of Death and Fate and the head of the council of Gods. So, determined to punish their “insolence”, she turned to the dragon lord of shadow, Duskmaw, to do it for her. 

Duskmaw was also angered by the brazen actions of the Dark Elves and Wynorms, and wished to punish them for trying to dirty the blood of the dragons’ descendants with the purity of Fae blood. He also held the opinion that Wynorms were already as perfect as a humanoid could be, and that trying to make a “more perfect” race would be spitting in the face of the Dragons that created the Wynorms. So, it was easy for Kaelia to convince Duskmaw to put a curse on the newly created race. There was no exchange or deal necessary, they both had a common goal. So Kaelia lended him a fraction of her power in secret, and Duskmaw corrupted and cursed their newly born race. 





            Not knowing the actual reasons for their cursed forms, Umbraborne have been known to worship Kaelia as well as the God of Dragons, Eroese. They generally avoid worshiping Morket as many often view him to be the reason for their cursed forms given the shadowy aspects of their being.



           Umbraborne like to stick together in their own communities, and due to this, they often stay in large family units of up to 10 people. They are still too rare to be an official race as recognized by the URA, but they are steadily growing in number. 



            Umbraborne keep the same tradition as their Wynorm ancestors: if someone wrongs a Wynorm or their family, then that Wynorm is required to give equal treatment to the one that wronged them; even if it includes murder. But they also follow Fae holidays, such as Thaesoli (the fertility holiday) and Ari’Aul’Hrive (a holiday, meaning Spring in Winter, celebrating the beauty of Winter and the efforts to bring the joy of Spring to the dead of Winter. It is often marked by families gathering to burn large decorated logs in the hearth while drinking a traditional spiced wine and sharing stories of years past).





            They have shadow manipulation powers and it is a 50/50 chance on whether or not they get a breath weapon ability. If they do have the ability to use a breath weapon, then they will breathe a shadowy fire that burns slightly faster than regular fire and feels extremely cold to the touch.


Preferred Fighting Style

            Preferred fighting style depends upon the individual.



Umbraborne are weak to sunlight and sun-blessed weaponry. Their crystals also act as weak points as although they are extremely difficult to shatter, if one does shatter them, they will explode in a showdy fire, burning everything around it including the Umbraborne.





Physical Attributes



            Voidwalkers are any creature that has transcended the limits of their original reality enough to step through into alternate realities. Their forms are warped from their original ones, though, as they are cursed by the Gods of the reality they stepped into since traversing realities is seen as very taboo, not even done by the Gods themselves. 



            Voidwalkers have the same skin color that they had before crossing into Annwn.



           Voidwalkers have purple or black rings around their original eye color.



          Voidwalkers have purple or black tipped hair strands, but overall maintain their original hair color.



           Upon traveling to Annwn, the Gods curse the creature by forcing it to take the form they desire. This form is marked by their smaller than Human stature (4’0” - 5’0”) purple or black ringed eyes, tipped hair, and stained fingers, ear tips, and toes. They will also become Humanoid, resembling that of a royal demon as they have horns and wings as well as pointed ears. The wings and horns are fragmented like static, made of large “pixels”, and hard to look directly at. They can be black and/or purple and while they can be touched, most find it uncomfortable to do so as it feels like a numb tingling sensation. They are sensitive to sunlight similar to Vampires in that while it will not turn them to ash, it will make them break out in hives. They also have a harder time seeing in bright light. They have perfect dark vision, making them capable of seeing even in the Void. Their blood is purple or black in color. 



           Warped by their curse, Voidwalkers are cursed to be ageless, as Shai, the God of death and fate, wants to avoid them being welcomed into the afterlife at all costs.




            Voidwalkers are mages or scientists in their original realities that managed to step through space time to get to Annwn. They maintain most of their memories, but pieces that are too technologically or magically advanced are missing as the Gods of Annwn stole those memories to keep their reality balanced and maintained. Their other magic/technology is limited due to their lack of memories. They can only do what is already possible by the natives of Annwn. Voidwalkers maintain the ability to step through realities regardless of the method, but at the cost of never being able to return to Annwn again once they leave. They may not remember exactly how the magic or technology that allows them to travel through realities works/is made, but they can use it freely. 

          They get their name because of the fact that they usually spent quite a bit of time in the void of their reality before crossing over to Annwn since travel to other realities is easier through the void since every reality has at least one Void. Voidwalkers, as being from other realities, are often confused by the unfamiliar world of Annwn and will spend several lifetimes simply studying the world, watching people from afar, and learning as best they can without actually interacting with anyone. 





            Voidwalkers often reason that the Gods of Annwn were also once Voidwalkers themselves, but there is no proof of this theory. 

Voidwalkers maintain whatever beliefs they had before crossing over into Annwn.



           Voidwalkers have a cursed bloodline, so many choose not to get close enough to another humanoid to have children. But in the event that they do, it is 50/50 on whether they abandon the child and family to continue to observe and search for answers, or become very attached to their family and learn more about the world through them. 



            Voidwalkers maintain whatever traditions they had before crossing over into Annwn.





            They have portalmancy powers, though they are limited in their use. They can only teleport up to 100ft and may only do so once every 6 seconds. They are capable of traveling to the Void, or Techduinn, at will, but returning from it takes 10 minutes. They are capable of leaving Annwn at any point at will, but once they do so they can never return. They can harness the power of the void and cloak themselves in it to give themselves a minor resistance to all damage. All other magic is dependent upon the individual. 


Preferred Fighting Style

            They often prefer to fight while teleporting around the battlefield so as to confuse their opponents. But, actual fighting method is dependent upon the individual.  



            They are weak to sunlight and sun-based weaponry. 






Physical Attributes



            Scolojin are a race of female only half Oni, half centipede that were originally Oni cursed to have giant centipede lower halves.



           Scolojin can have any skin color. 



           Scolojin can have any eye color, and have unnaturally big eyes, but have one solid eye color just like Undlings/Oni (no eye whites or visible pupils).



          Scolojin can have any hair color, but black is the most common. 



           Scolojin have large pointed ears that are generally bigger than their heads, and can have up to 5 horns (but some are born without any). Their horns tend to look like the antennae of centipedes. They are carnivores, and thus have only sharp teeth (some maintain their Oni origins and have long fangs and tusks, both of which stick out over their lips, but others don’t). 

           Scolojin are only ever female, no exceptions. They don’t find it obscene to be without clothes on their lower half because nothing inappropriate is visible.

           Scolojin have a lower half that can be anywhere from 3’0” – 20’0” long. 



          Scolojin have a maximum lifespan of 600 years.




          Scolojin were originally a group of Oni, both male and female, that incurred the wrath of the Sun Goddess, Theia, by abandoning their worship of her because they believed themselves to be too beautiful to worship her, viewing themselves as the objects worthy of their praise instead. Theia, furious that anyone would not only abandon her, let alone because they thought they were more beautiful than her, the Sun Goddess, cursed them with disfigurement. She wanted them to be hideous and undesirable, but also maintain an air of femininity because they were to be her creations afterall. So, she made them all female Scolojin. 

          Now with their curse, they tend to live out of sight of other races, preferring to stay hidden in caves or underground. They live solitary lives, only usually venturing out to find a mate of another race. 





           Now terrified of Theia, Scolojin are some of her most devout followers. Even from inside the caves and underground dwellings in which they live, they still commit to weekly worship to praise her for fear of a worse punishment if they do not. 



           Scolojin have very small family units, usually only them and maybe a child if they were successful in securing a partner of another race. Getting a partner of another race is mandatory if a Scolojin wishes to procreate due to them all being female. Scolojin have a guarantee of giving birth to another Scolojin when they do mate, though, unlike the typical genetic rules where it's a 50/50 on which race the baby is born as. They are still too rare to be an official race as recognized by the URA, and they tend to stay few in  number. 



            Remembering their Oni traditions, Scolojin tend to keep their hair long and wear it in braids with ribbons. They also have a tradition similar to the tattooing of the runes that Oni do, but instead of runes, a sun symbol in varying styles depending on the person/family is tattooed on the nape of their neck.





           Scolojin have an innate magic of *every* magic type, but their fire spells are particularly powerful. They also have a resistance to fire; it takes a lot of heat to be able to burn them.


Preferred Fighting Style

            Preferred fighting style depends upon the individual.



            Scolojin are weak to ice magic.



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