The rules of necromancy are clear: There can be no semblance of a soul in a body that has been dead for more than 1 hour. Those that try simply create shambled versions of the creature known as Undead. Extremely skilled necromancers can create Undead that mimic a soul, but this is only possible if the brain is kept intact. Anazothike are creatures that spit in the face of those rules (having been given life again by a God, usually by Morket without the permission of Shai (occasionally by a different God with Shai’s permission)) and thus have their soul. They will remember any time they spent in the afterlife. They maintain the same level of intelligence they had in life, but are likely to still be hunted due to their grotesque appearance and innate tendencies. They do not require a brain/intact brain to be brought back from the dead.
The level of decay is dependent not on how much they decayed before death, but upon their particular subrace. Becoming said subrace of Anazothike can mean regeneration of flesh and bone.
Anazothike all gain the magical ability to control darkness and sink into shadows for a short time (roughly 10-20 seconds at a time). As a result, though, they lose all other magical abilities previously associated with their race when they were alive.
Anazothike do not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or drink. They lose all previous vulnerabilities and instead gain a weakness to direct sunlight. Sunlight on their skin will cause them to turn to ash. They can avoid this by covering their skin with cloth. They are not, however, weak to fire and in fact have an invulnerability to it. This can also be said of any conditions or attacks or weapons or spells. The sun and associated spells/weaponry is the only thing that can kill an Anazothike.
When an Anazothike dies, they can NEVER be resurrected in any way.
Types of Anazothike:
They show no signs of decay or rot but will have crumbling stone in any areas that were missing or wounded.
Their wings and feathers turn to stone, but are still movable yet cannot fly.
They can shoot stone feathers off of their wings at targets at will, using up to 3 feathers every 6 seconds.
They can control these stone feathers even once they are off of their wings, moving them as though using a telekinesis spell.
They show no signs of decay or rot and gain any missing body parts back when created.
They maintain their original skin color
Can remove their heads away from them at will.
The head can be up to 1 mile away from the body and still be controllable.
The head can float up to 30 ft in the air at will.
The body and head have mist at the base of the wound, making the insides obscured.
They gain increased speed.
They show no signs of decay or rot and gain any missing body parts back when created.
They have sunken eyes and shriveled lips, and skin around these areas will be a deep purple. Other than this they will have the same skin color as they did in life.
They make gasping noises when they speak even though they have no need to breathe.
They have an additional ability to suck the oxygen out of people’s lungs causing immediate damage to them and making it difficult for them to get air back into their lungs. This ability will not kill anyone but will make the target immobile for at least 30 seconds. They can only use this ability once a day on up to 3 people at a time who must be within 5 ft of each other.
Their skin turns ashen gray or black.
They show no signs of decay or rot but maintain any missing body parts or open wounds even after being created.
Ash constantly pours out of one or more orfices on the body
They gain body mass, making them hulking figures of what they were when they were alive. This extra body mass gives them increased strength.
This ash dissipates into nothing after a few minutes of being exposed to the air.
If collected soon enough in an airtight chamber, this ash in large doses can be administered to other Demons to turn them into Ashen
They will show some signs of decay or rot but gain any missing body parts back when created. The decay will be limited to their faces, particularly their jaws in that they will have no lower jaws. From the gaping maw, there will still be the teeth in their upper jaw, and a long, protruding, pointed tongue that can lash out to deal poison damage.
Their skin will turn a shade of purple or blue.
They will grow grotesquely long, sturdy fingernails which are also capable of inflicting poison.
They will show all signs of decay or rot and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their wings and head will be of bone and shriveled flesh.
They can still fly, but only very slowly.
They can devour other creatures to gain parts of those creatures on themselves. Because of the magic that created the Ekek originally, a spell to change their bodies to that of other creatures to be able to fly away from their deserted island nation, Foul Anazothike can use some semblance of this magic to gain parts of other creatures. This means they can gain extra limbs, extra heads, extra mouths, extra eyes, and etc. These parts will appear randomly on the body once the creature has been consumed. It must be the entire creature, bones and all, to gain any of this benefit. So even if they don’t need to eat, they will often still choose to do so to gain this benefit.
They will show no signs of decay or rot and will gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their skin will turn a blackish purple, and will sprout tendrils of darkness from random places all over their body. They can turn these invisible given an extended period of time/practice, but it is fairly difficult to master. The tendrils cannot be invisible while used to attack.
Their eyes will become enlarged and pitch black.
Their teeth will turn black and sharpen.
Their necks can elongate at will anywhere from 1 ft to 3 ft, and they will have complete, effortless control over its movement.
They have the ability to stretch and attack with any of the tendrils on their body. These tendrils can naturally be up to 3ft long but can stretch as long as 10ft. These tendrils suck a tiny bit of mana out of those they hit.
Ellylldan can NOT become Sluagh
They will be skeletons with thin, stretched, and rotting skin, and will not gain any missing body parts back when they are created.
They will no longer have the wings they had in life, but instead will have eternally molting black feathered wings
Their bones are not connected by the skin but rather by magic.
Their hand bones sharpen to be able to deal piercing and slashing damage
They gain the ability to create toxic clouds of necrotic energy that will slowly damage anyone that stands inside of it. These clouds can only be produced three times a day and dissipate after 1 minute.
Forever stuck in their plant forms, having lost the ability to shapeshift, the Witherlings will show slight signs of decay and rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when they are created.
They can no longer speak physically, making only high pitched screeching sounds, but gain the ability to communicate telepathically at up to 30 ft.
They will gain mold and mushrooms covering their bodies in thick patches, when these patches are removed from the body, they will release spores that will infect nearby plantlife, giving them temporary sentience. The newly sentient plants will move at the command of the Witherling and can attack for it. After 5 minutes, the plants will then wither and die. Witherlings can only remove patches from their body 3 times a day without damaging themselves or risking losing their own sentience.
They will be skeletons but will gain any missing skeletal body parts back when created.
Their bones will be much thicker and bulkier than normal.
They gain back the ability to hear.
Their eye holes on their skulls contain tiny white orbs of light that act as their eyes.
They gain increased strength
Typically having made so many magically enchanted items and artifacts while alive, in undeath they will be drawn to destroy these same items/artifacts.
To fight, they often lay in wait, immobile, for victims to stumble across them. Often they will close their chest cavity around their prey to trap them. Once captured, the tiny bits of flesh in between the Forgotten’s bones will stab into the prey, slowly sucking the blood from it. The Forgotten do not need this blood as sustenance, and will simply let the blood fall to the ground to return to the earth. They do this as their main form of attack against those they seek out for their artifacts.
Now given life anew, the Derro generally do not appreciate this “gift”, as they have lost the joy that once characterized their lives as Gnomes. They are still capable of being happy, but tend to be extremely depressing creatures.
They will show no signs of decay or rot and will gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their skin will turn a deep blue or purple.
Their teeth will sharpen and will gain innumerable rows of teeth that run along the inside of their mouths. These teeth are capable of being spun in a circular motion to grind up prey.
They do not need to eat to survive just like with all other Anazothike, but instead will grind up prey to feed to the packs of animals they tend to keep around them
They will gain a large jump of 50 ft, even if standing still beforehand.
The body will show some signs of rot and decay, but most will be healed and they will gain any missing body parts back when created.
The face becomes simply a flesh mask, still capable of showing emotion but not speaking. Instead the mouth unfolds from the neck, splitting the head in two and opening to reveal a jaw of serrated teeth and a tongue with a snake head at its tip.
The tongue can extend up to 15 ft to bite and poison its victims.
The claws on the feet grow 3x larger and sharper than before.
They gain the ability to steal the face of anyone they bite and replace it with the Aderyn’s previous face.
They will show decay or rot and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
When created as a Zombie, they will gain access to a hive mind. This hive mind connects them to every other zombie on the planet, and is run by an unknown creature that identifies itself as “The One True Mind”. A Zombie is capable of disconnecting from this hive mind, but only at the cost of their innate ability to self destruct. The benefits of this hive mind include a resistance to psychic damage and a telepathic shield that prevents anyone from reading their mind without their permission.
They gain increased speed and strength.
They gain the ability to build up noxious gasses within themselves and explode, dealing large amounts of damage to everything around them. They can then magically reassemble after five minutes. They can only do this once per day.
They will show no signs of decay or rot, but will grow several distinct features. They will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
They will become bald, and their skin will become a deep gray or brown.
They will grow large horns or antlers from their heads.
Their teeth will elongate, some sharpening, some remaining dull.
Their entire bodies and limbs will elongate, stretching their height to up to 20ft tall, regardless of their height when they were alive.
Their skin will be taught and stretched thin over their limbs and they will have little to no body mass.
They have increased speed and strength.
They have an insatiable hunger, feeding on anything they can find. They cannot swallow anything, however, as their necks are too thin. So, instead they will simply tear into the flesh, keep it in their mouths long enough to chew it to mush, then spit it back out. They can control this urge, but it takes years of practice to do so.
They will show no signs of decay or rot, but will grow several distinct features. They will gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their lower half will become segmented and will grow large bony spikes from out of these segments.
They will grow thin and gaunt on their upper half though still maintaining some body mass.
Their skin will turn a shade of gray.
Their eyes will permanently bleed small trails of blood down their face.
They gain the ability to control and manipulate blood, even if it is still inside of the person. They can only use this ability 3 times a day for 12 seconds each time.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their teeth grow long and pointed, and they grow an extra row of them on their top and bottom jaws. Their jaws can unhinge for a larger bite.
They do not need to eat to survive, however, they often choose to do so as eating the flesh of a humanoid will give the Wraith mental images of that creature's memories. They view this as the only way they can truly see again.
Their eyes shrivel up and fall out, leaving gaping holes in their flesh and rendering them blind.
They sing high pitched screeches into the water to “see” where they are going through echolocation.
They gain increased swimming and running speed.
They gain the ability to stun prey with their screeches, as the first time they hear a Wraith's scream within 30 ft of them, they are petrified in fear for at least 30 seconds. The prey become immune to the screech’s fear effect for 24 hours after the initial fear has worn off.
They will not show decay or rot, and will gain any missing body parts back when created.
They will gain body mass so greatly that the stretch marks made by this exponential growth will split open and turn into hundreds of mouths full of sharp teeth. The mouths are incapable of swallowing, but to attack a Dread will grapple its target, holding it close just long enough for the Dread’s mouths to tear the target to shreds.
They gain increased strength.
They gain the ability to speak any language as each of their mouths speaks a different language.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their horns will grow larger and split into more horns until they envelope the top of their head like a crown, even covering their eyes.
They will grow a myriad of other eyes that appear all over the horns that grew in. This gives them the ability to see all around them at all times; a full 360 degree view.
They will grow long sharp fingernails.
Their lower body will grow much more muscular, increasing their speed, dexterity, and jumping distance.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
They will become much more animalistic in form, hunching over onto all fours as their arms grow muscular and elongated to support their new form.
They will grow sharper claws and teeth.
Their skin on their face will grow droopy and their eyes will become unblinking
Their movements are stiff, awkward, and unsettling to look at but this does not affect their ability to move quickly and with precision.
They gain increased strength and speed.
They gain the ability to teleport short distances 3 times a day.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their torso will split open, typically horizontally, to reveal a large mouth. This mouth will have serrated teeth and a long tongue.
They will grow four extra arms.
Their skin will become cracked and dry.
The mouth on their face will be warped into a permanent smile.
They gain increased strength.
They gain the ability to turn invisible for up to an hour at a time, 3 times a day.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their skin will become grey or black in color.
They will be misty and almost incorporeal looking, though they are still very much physically there.
They will gain the ability to temporarily become incorporeal three times a day for 6 seconds at a time.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
They will be permanently stuck in their wolf form, but this form will be thinner and more skeletal, yet somehow stronger.
They gain the ability to howl to inflict damage and fear up to 3 times a day. Those inflicted with this fear will be immobile for 6 seconds and will take a small amount of psychic damage.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their skin will hang loosely from their bones and they will have little to no body mass.
Their scales will molt and shed in vast quantities.
They will have numerous pustules filled with slime that grow from underneath their scales and burst open at random. Creatures other than the Dracolich hit by this slime will suffer acid damage continuously until the slime is washed off with water.
They have the ability to breathe a breath made of this same kind of slime.
They will show decay or rot, and will not gain any missing body parts back when created.
Their bodies will be entirely and badly burned, with cracks of still burning flesh visible in some places.
Their scales will have mostly fallen off except for the scales on the top of their head, which will be like obsidian glass.
The lizard heads on their shoulders grow long, snake-like necks with obsidian scale spine spikes running along their length.
They gain the ability to melt into a puddle of lava that they can then move around as, moving as fast as they would normally be able to run, consuming all in their path. They can only maintain this form for one minute once per day.